Do you Have to Use Concrete for Chain Link Fence Posts?

You can install a chain link fence without using concrete, but this is not recommended. Securing each fence post in concrete is the best way to ensure your fence will stand upright for many years. Skipping the time and expense of setting the posts in concrete may be tempting, but the savings are usually not worth it in the long run for a number of reasons.


Chain Link Fence


Installing a chain link fence without concrete

If you decide to install a chain link fence without concrete, use a stake hole digger to dig a hole deep enough to bury the post at least two feet or about 1/3 of the height. Do not hammer the post into the ground, especially if you have hard clay or rocky soil, as you will bend the top. The hole should be slightly larger than the post so that you can fill it tightly with soil around the post.

Installing the fence without concrete will save you a small amount of money on concrete, trowels and gravel. If you use an auger to dig the post holes, you may be able to complete the installation in one day.
